Stand Out with These 5 Linkedin Actions

With over 1 billion users, it’s becoming more and more challenging to stand out from the competition. While most users take time to build their Linkedin network and connect with past colleagues or business clients, too many people forget to strengthen these relationships with Linkedin chat, by commenting in the news stream, or by sharing visual content like images and videos.

Being active and engaging on Linkedin is where the magic really happens—and helps attract more favorable interest to your Linkedin profile or business. It also strengthens the personal brand.

Engaging with Linkedin content consistently and authentically creates more opportunities. Imagine how good it feels when a potential client asks you for a quote or a recruiter contacts you for a serious job opening—or you get invited to speak about your expertise.

How can you find similar success? The following tips will help you attract more opportunities don’t just come my way, but they also come to my clients.

1) Comment with Pictures or Screenshots

When you comment on Linkedin content, Linkedin shares your comment to people within your network. As people read your comment, more people will learn about your background and see your profile picture and headline.

It’s true that not all of your contacts will have the chance to see all of your comments, but Linkedin’s content algorithm shares with more and more people depending on the popularity of the content. By sharing your knowledge in a positive way (and without selling anything) you will stand out.

Screenshots and visuals are emotional and make your comments more attractive. This will help you get the reader’s attention and more clicks to your profile.

2) Use Linkedin Chat To Build Relationships

Linkedin Chat is a fast and simple communication tool that helps you keep in touch with your network and build relationships with new connections. It is also easy to use on mobile.

Linkedin Chat can be used to:

  • Send pictures or helpful screenshots
  • Record a 60 seconds message on mobile and make it more personal
  • Share a helpful link from a blog post or an article
  • Schedule an appointment
  • Discuss a quote or an offer to a potential client
  • Get to know a new connection better by asking questions (after researching their profile)
  • Create a group chat and make professional introductions
  • …and much more.

3) Share up To 4 Pictures in the News Stream

Did you know that you can share more than 1 picture at a time with your mobile phone? It’s a great feature to use when attending a conference, a company event, or an educational training—and sharing your experience with your network.

Tagging your pictures, with relevant people and sharing with others in your network will also help you get more exposure and visibility.

“Tell your story with pictures.”

4) Use a Current Professional Profile Picture and Optimize your Headline

It’s widely known that your Linkedin photo and headline are the most viewed area of your profile—and where you make a first impression. This section is one of the most important parts of your personal brand.

Too often people will have outdated information—and when you meet these people in person, you may not recognize them.

It’s important to invest in a professional photographer to stand out more on Linkedin.

The headline section is another opportunity—but most people use it to display their job title and company name. Instead stand out and build your elevator pitch. It’s your first chance to make a good impression. Always position yourself strategically to open more favorable opportunities.

Consider adding your specialty, who you are, or your target audience and how you help them solve their challenge or problem.

“Most importantly, have the courage to stand out on Linkedin strategically.”

5) Add a Background Graphic To Strengthen your Personal Brand

Linkedin is your career website—and adding visuals makes it more appealing and emotional. Ask a professional graphic designer who is specialized in Linkedin to create it.

What will you try out first to stand out? How are you using Linkedin Chat? Have you ever shared images in the Linkedin newsfeed—how did your post do?

Erica Kessler

I’m the founder of Social Media Leaders GmbH and a Linkedin marketing strategist, trainer, lecturer and international speaker. I empower and consult CEOs, C-Level, Executive job seekers, companies to boost influence, earn more business, identify potential clients, find a job and find top talent using Linkedin marketing.

Erica Kessler Linkedin strategist trainer lecturer speaker in Switzerland