Wie Sie mehr Talente anziehen und die Response-Rate auf Linkedin steigern können.

Die Rekrutierungs-Welt hat sich gedreht; Mitarbeitende zu gewinnen wird intensiver. Das Anziehen von Talenten und die Response-Rate auf Linkedin ist viel höher, wenn die Recruiter / Active-Sourcer ein strategisches Profil haben, attraktive Stellen im Newsfeed teilen, die Linkedin-Unternehmensseite Einblicke in die Kultur gibt und der / die CEO eine starke Positionierung hat.

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How a Linkedin influencer program leads to business success

With employee advocacy, companies can achieve measurable results by influencing and getting reach globally – through the development of trusting employees and appropriate marketing and networking strategies. How can the right target audience be influenced? Implementing a strategy, empowering, training and educating the CEO, executives and your employees is what leads to success.

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Personal Branding is part of the CEO job

Personal Branding is part of the CEO job. Today digital branding and social media marketing is part of the job. Every CEO needs a strategic and authentic Linkedin presence. In doing so, CEOs are signaling that they are open to conversations on social media. They are also showing that using digital marketing for their important messages is important.

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